Youth Protection Matters

Youth Protection Register Help Index

DACdb Id Number
OCG Notifications


DACdb Id Number

DACdb Id Number can be found in the URL when you edit the member in DACdb.

In the below example the DACdb Id Number for Bruce Hemmett is 800940001

If the UserId is not visible in your browser Email me with members name and your club name and I will fill in the DACdb Id Number for you.


OCG Notifications

The OCG (Office of the Childrens Guardian) [JW0924] has advice that if there is a change in verified status, in the first instance we make contact by email to ascertain if the person is employed there and if in child-related work.

If the employer confirms the person is working there and is in child-related work we then telephone to confirm and disclose; this is followed by an official notice sent by email.

On verifying a WWCC the status must be cleared or application in progress for a person to be employed in child-related work.





Edit Page

[JW0924] John Williams, Team Leader – WWCC Compliance, Office of the Children’s Guardian