Do you keep your passwords on paper, on a pad or book in your desk, a document on your devise, use the same password for most of your sites, in your memory, or are you one who uses one of the most popular passwords used
You may be amazed what are the 10 Most Popular Passwords:
- It starts with a passphrase, “I want ice cream! for dinner in Kentucky?”
- Uses a rule to keep the first 2 letters of every word and capitalize every second letter.
- Long as 12 characters or more.
- Uses special characters: ( ){ } [ ] + = : ; ? ~ ` ! @ # $ % & * _ –
- Includes uppercase and lowercase letters.
We recommend strongly the use of a password manager. There are free and paid offerings. Any password manager is infinitely more secure that what so many people use.
You only need to remember one password. That is the one your password manager uses.
There are many free and paid offerings such as 1Password, bitwarden, Lastpass, Nordpass to name a few. Make sure you use one that is available on all your devices.
The author uses Lastpass. Life is happening online. Work. Play. Family and friends. LastPass puts your digital life at your fingertips, simply and securely.
Another very good one is bitwarden Bitwarden is an integrated open source password management solution for individuals, teams, and business organizations.