![](images/album/7/03-10-29%20Mail%20center%20visit%201_small.jpg) |
Today's meeting was held at the New England Mail Sorting
Centre as a Vocational Visit. I am sure all members were impressed with
the speed and efficiency with which our mail and parcels are handled by
Australia Post. |
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Greg McDonald & his
staff did an excellent job in showing us through the Mail Sorting
Centre. 29/11/03 |
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Our treasurer Tony
giving his report 22/10/03 |
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Phil Lyons conducted a
fun quiz. 15/10/03 |
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Our speaker turned out to be that popular quizmaster set
of Barry Murphy and Graham Dooley. They took us through some fun trivia
questions and we were ably entertained, if not well informed. 1/10/2003 |
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Bill Moss, gave an update on the new State Legislation
regarding changes to Real Estate law. Thank you by Andrew Hoskins.
24/09/2003 |
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![](images/album/7/03-09-20%20cleanup%20all_small1.jpg) |
Thanks to members and partners at the
cleanup last Saturday. What a mixed but happy crew. John Trollor seems
confused with what to do with this fancy cleanup thing. John Allen
passing on helpfull hints to Anne Jacob and Julie Grills. Susie
Stevenson spent most of her time either in the shower or on her knees
scrubbing. Ian (Ned Kelly) Pearson wasn't letting anything get up his
nose. Paul Stevenson and Greg (the lawn mower man) Hyde were actually
carting this TV off to the tip. Thanks again to all the helpers. (Pix by Bruce)
20/09/2003 |
![](images/album/7/03-09-17%20David%20Evans%20-%20Waler%20Memorial_small.JPG) |
Our Guest Speaker, David Evans, delivered a wonderful
speech about the history of the Australian Light Horse (Waler). He also
showed us a large framed photo of the "Horse & Digger" which will be set
- up in our War Memorial Park to immortalise the Australian Light Horse.
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Patrick O'Connor from
Narnia Bookshop spoke to us of his involvement in improving Aboriginal
literacy. 10/09/2003 |
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Hayley Albertson gave
her personal profile. Congratulated by Graham Dooley
03/09/2003 |
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Tony Jefferson, his
sponsor Ron Allen, President Phil. Tony's induction
03/09/2003 |
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Andrew Whittet and
Shirley Kirk from the Billabong Clubhouse 13/08/2003 |
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Paul, Theo, Terry and
David. National Science Week 27/08/2003 |
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![](images/album/7/03-07-25%20Car%20Boot%20Market%203_small.JPG) |
Another successful Car Boot Market
25/07/2003 |
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DG's wife, Dorothy
Burkey and Phil. 23/07/2003 |
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A good attendance at this mornings meeting to hear Greg
Nicholas give an outline of a Government funded service for business and
industry. Thanked by Annette Arthur. 30/07/2003 |
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The executive - Phil, Vicki and Tony
16/07/2003 |
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We made a presentation to Dorothy of 4 basic reading
books, which she will pass on to our local schools. This was done in
memory of the late Ade Majayabe wife of the current International
President Jonathon Majayabe. 23/07/2003 |
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Our first meeting went very well with guest speaker Ian
Howle explaining the "Rise & fall" of Pan Pharmaceuticals.
25/06/2003 |
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The guest speaker Rev.
Brian Kirk, from the Anglican Counselling Service gave us an insight
into the "Problems of excessive Gambling" in NSW.
Thanked by Les Jacob 02/07/2003 |